by Fr. Raymundo T. Sabio, MSC
This picture of the choir members of the Filipino Community in Incheon, South Korea was taken at the sanctuary of the Incheon Cathedral.
The Pinoys in Korea (Incheon) community was founded by Fr. Raymundo T. Sabio, MSC, a Filipino priest and a member of the religious congregation called: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). The first Sunday Mass took place on March 3,1991 and His Excellency, Bishop William J. McNaughton, MM, DD gave his blessing to the formation of this group in association with the Apostolatus Maris-Incheon. Since then regular Sunday Mass was celebrated at 4:00 PM and the venue is: Tapdong Catholic Cathedral of the Incheon Diocese. We average between 200 - 250 Holy Mass participants.
Although the great majority of those present at Mass are Filipinos (93%) there are several Koreans (those who plan to migrate to North America, Australia and New Zealand), a few Americans and Africans who participate at this Mass. So this group has been given the name, Incheon Catholic International Community (I.C.I.C.) In order not to exclude them, but rather to help them feel at home in this liturgical celebration, we decided to use the English language.
Most of the members are factory workers and industrial trainees, the rest are musicians and entertainers, professionals and those married to Korean spouses. The community aims to extend all kinds of assistance to the migrants and expatriates: spiritual, moral, social and even financial when the need arises.
The community leaders help foster some kind of family spirit among the members. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to the members in need; home remittances are facilitated; and after the end of the Mass, Filipino goods and food stuffs are for sale by the Filipino vendors.
Through the years various forms of financial assistance were extend to worthy causes. The raising of funds took several weeks even months in a slow and gradual process. (The actual amounts were in Korean Won but for easier identification we give the approx. equivalent in US Dollars):
2005 Mar. 2,700 US Dollars For the typhoon & flood victims in Quezon Province
2004 Feb. 4,250 US Dollars For a School Building (2 school rooms) for the Laconon Elem. Laconon in the T'boli, South Cotabato (Mindanao area).
2003 Mar. 550 US Dollalrs To the Comelec for Absentee Voting
2003 Jan 1,800 US Dollars Assistance to the Victims of Bombing & Terrorism
2001 Oct. 1,400 US Dollars Assistance to Mayon Volcano Eruption
1999 Nov. 1,600 US Dollars Assistance to East Timor Catholic Church
1996 Dec. 1,500 US Dollars For Phil. Centennial Expo
1994-1996 4,500 US Dollars For Incheon Diocese Seminary Construction
1993 Dec. 4,000 US Dollars For Fil. Workers' Welfare Fund
A. Ambassador Aladin Villacorte receiving the donation of 4,250 US Dollars for the school building construction in T'boli, South Cotabato from our Incheon Catholic Int'l Community represented by Chairman Mr. Willy Eugenio.
B. Community Leaders' excursion at the MSC Log Cabin in Kanghwa, Incheon.
C. Best Uniform Award given by Ambassador Juanito Jarasa during our Incheon Basketball Sportfest.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
Prayer Request For A Sick Child
My dear friends in Christ,
YVIER GEORGE TORREMACA is a 1-year-and-7-month old baby born in South Cotabato City of Coronadal, Mindanao, Philippines on September 4, 2004. He was brought here in Rome through the help of Lazio Region and Primario of Bambin Gesù Hospital as sponsors of his medical treatment. The child is having a CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE (perforated heart) and TB - Tuberculosis. He is presently admitted for recovery at Bambino Gesù Hopsital - Infected Children Section: Paddillione Salviate, 2nd Floor, Room n° 3.
He arrived in Rome together with his aunt. Both are not prepared for the wheather. The grandparents of the baby are here but unfortunately only one of them has a job. I felt compassion for them and I took the initiative to helping them and assisting them in terms of their basic needs. For the situation of the baby, I would like to appeal for your spiritual support for the said child.
The Holy Father Pope John Paul II was a great lover of children, especially for the sick ones. PLEASE, PRAY FOR THIS CHILD THROUGH HIS INTERCESSION THAT HE WOULD BE HEALED SOON WITHOUT PASSING SURGICAL INTERVENTION, WHILE THE CHILD IS STILL UNDER A THOROUGH ANALYSIS OF HIS DISEASES. Likewise, kindly ask your friends and the friends of your friends to be in solidarity with the child and to unite spiritual forces together in supplicating the Lord of Mercy and Compassion to grant the baby child Yvier George Torremaca normal health, so that like other children he will enjoy the gift of life, but the WILL of GOD the Father would always be done.
On behalf of the parents and relatives of this child, allow me to thank you in advance for your solidarity, great support and cooperation.
Working with you in the Vineyard of the Lord,
Rev. Fr. Alberto M. Guevara, CS
Chaplain of Filipino Migrants in Rome
Missio Com Cura Animarum
Seat: Basilica Sta. Pudenziana
Via Urbana - 160
Rome 00184, Italy
Cell n° +39/338.4521.591
Eternal City of Rome, 22 April 2005
YVIER GEORGE TORREMACA is a 1-year-and-7-month old baby born in South Cotabato City of Coronadal, Mindanao, Philippines on September 4, 2004. He was brought here in Rome through the help of Lazio Region and Primario of Bambin Gesù Hospital as sponsors of his medical treatment. The child is having a CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE (perforated heart) and TB - Tuberculosis. He is presently admitted for recovery at Bambino Gesù Hopsital - Infected Children Section: Paddillione Salviate, 2nd Floor, Room n° 3.
He arrived in Rome together with his aunt. Both are not prepared for the wheather. The grandparents of the baby are here but unfortunately only one of them has a job. I felt compassion for them and I took the initiative to helping them and assisting them in terms of their basic needs. For the situation of the baby, I would like to appeal for your spiritual support for the said child.
The Holy Father Pope John Paul II was a great lover of children, especially for the sick ones. PLEASE, PRAY FOR THIS CHILD THROUGH HIS INTERCESSION THAT HE WOULD BE HEALED SOON WITHOUT PASSING SURGICAL INTERVENTION, WHILE THE CHILD IS STILL UNDER A THOROUGH ANALYSIS OF HIS DISEASES. Likewise, kindly ask your friends and the friends of your friends to be in solidarity with the child and to unite spiritual forces together in supplicating the Lord of Mercy and Compassion to grant the baby child Yvier George Torremaca normal health, so that like other children he will enjoy the gift of life, but the WILL of GOD the Father would always be done.
On behalf of the parents and relatives of this child, allow me to thank you in advance for your solidarity, great support and cooperation.
Working with you in the Vineyard of the Lord,
Rev. Fr. Alberto M. Guevara, CS
Chaplain of Filipino Migrants in Rome
Missio Com Cura Animarum
Seat: Basilica Sta. Pudenziana
Via Urbana - 160
Rome 00184, Italy
Cell n° +39/338.4521.591
Eternal City of Rome, 22 April 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
In the Faces of the Angels
by Sr. Melanie Grace D. Illana, MSCS
The quotation from Eberhard Arnold is beautiful but quiet sharp for me but while I pondered on it, memories afresh on me. It was my rich experience with the children of the migrants. They are angels with sweet smiles and serene faces that radiate hope and joy to the adults. Yes, in the faces of the angels, I find joy and hope. Those fresh faces of angels remain in my mind and in my heart.
I had my one month exposure last September 2004 with the migrants and the refugees at Casa di Astali, Nuovo Salario, Roma, run by the Jesuits. It was a voluntary service but with rich experience that money cannot buy. My first experience with the children of migrants and refugees was very different from my previous experiences in the Philippines which were focused on the catechetical level. In Casa di Astali, I was dealing with the children of different religions, races and languages. I have not gone their to spread the Good News and to teach them religious songs since most of them are not Christians. I thought that they would learn many things from me but it was I who learned from them. I saw Jesus in their sweet faces. I felt Jesus’ love in their touch and hugs. Those angels spoke the truth without fear and I heard angelic melodies in their laughter.
I was given the task to teach Italian Alphabet to some of them who were just new in Rome. They were 5 siblings from Libya. I thought I will find it difficult to teach them since it was only my first year here in Rome but when I saw their faces filled with interest and enthusiasm to learn the alphabet, I was inspired to teach them with the help of my co-sister Sr. Eugenia (a Scalabrinian sister from Argentina) who did a full-time exposure with them and with their parents. It is my joy to write their names as an expression of my love for them that is always in my heart. Those angels were Amane, Almira, Tehani, Melik (the only boy), and Amil – the smallest girl.
My lessons went well with the pronunciation, the reading sessions, the children’s songs and the images that would help them identify the letters and the words. I was surprised that we were all enjoying with the Italian alphabet and they made a progress just in two weeks. I also noticed that my Italian was also improving with their help. I and Sr. Eugenia usually played with them with the other children during siesta time and we have shared a lot of fun. Their laughter, touch, hugs and the purity of their eyes speak of the fullness of life that we, adults, could profoundly reflect on them. It was really a learning process of language, loving relationship, and of hope. I have learned a lot from them and they were the ones who touched my heart, who taught me to be strong, who left footprints of hope and love in my mission to the migrants.
My faith encouraged me to know more of those angels. I remember our Founder Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini who affirmed that, “He / she who has faith and lives with it does not only love but feels to love more even the others since love never makes difference” ( from his Pastoral Letter, 1877). The love that I have given to them was indeed a gift from God who is love. The life of the migrants are mixed with anxieties, fears, courage, hope and courage searching for the greener pastures. However, their children continue to bring hope that is lived everyday, as sign of God’s promise of salvation.
We, adults are invited to live the qualities of the children without fear. To understand the world of the children is to journey with them with hope. Those angels continue to give life to their parents who are working and who are still looking for jobs. In the faces of the angels, there lies the hope that reflects to the world. Those angels had become a part of my life, of my vocation, and my mission. My Scalabrinian mission is beyond my culture, my language, my mentality, and my world. My rich experience with the children of the migrants continue to challenge me as I continue to encounter Christ with the migrants and refugees.
It is children who lead us to the gospel… We are not worthy to educate them. Our lips are unclean; our dedication is not wholehearted. Our truthfulness is partial; our love divided. Our kindness is not without motives. We ourselves are not yet free of lovelessness, possessiveness, and selfishness… Only wise men and saints, only those who stand as children before God, are really fit to live and work with children.
Eberhard Arnold
The quotation from Eberhard Arnold is beautiful but quiet sharp for me but while I pondered on it, memories afresh on me. It was my rich experience with the children of the migrants. They are angels with sweet smiles and serene faces that radiate hope and joy to the adults. Yes, in the faces of the angels, I find joy and hope. Those fresh faces of angels remain in my mind and in my heart.
I had my one month exposure last September 2004 with the migrants and the refugees at Casa di Astali, Nuovo Salario, Roma, run by the Jesuits. It was a voluntary service but with rich experience that money cannot buy. My first experience with the children of migrants and refugees was very different from my previous experiences in the Philippines which were focused on the catechetical level. In Casa di Astali, I was dealing with the children of different religions, races and languages. I have not gone their to spread the Good News and to teach them religious songs since most of them are not Christians. I thought that they would learn many things from me but it was I who learned from them. I saw Jesus in their sweet faces. I felt Jesus’ love in their touch and hugs. Those angels spoke the truth without fear and I heard angelic melodies in their laughter.
I was given the task to teach Italian Alphabet to some of them who were just new in Rome. They were 5 siblings from Libya. I thought I will find it difficult to teach them since it was only my first year here in Rome but when I saw their faces filled with interest and enthusiasm to learn the alphabet, I was inspired to teach them with the help of my co-sister Sr. Eugenia (a Scalabrinian sister from Argentina) who did a full-time exposure with them and with their parents. It is my joy to write their names as an expression of my love for them that is always in my heart. Those angels were Amane, Almira, Tehani, Melik (the only boy), and Amil – the smallest girl.
My lessons went well with the pronunciation, the reading sessions, the children’s songs and the images that would help them identify the letters and the words. I was surprised that we were all enjoying with the Italian alphabet and they made a progress just in two weeks. I also noticed that my Italian was also improving with their help. I and Sr. Eugenia usually played with them with the other children during siesta time and we have shared a lot of fun. Their laughter, touch, hugs and the purity of their eyes speak of the fullness of life that we, adults, could profoundly reflect on them. It was really a learning process of language, loving relationship, and of hope. I have learned a lot from them and they were the ones who touched my heart, who taught me to be strong, who left footprints of hope and love in my mission to the migrants.
My faith encouraged me to know more of those angels. I remember our Founder Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini who affirmed that, “He / she who has faith and lives with it does not only love but feels to love more even the others since love never makes difference” ( from his Pastoral Letter, 1877). The love that I have given to them was indeed a gift from God who is love. The life of the migrants are mixed with anxieties, fears, courage, hope and courage searching for the greener pastures. However, their children continue to bring hope that is lived everyday, as sign of God’s promise of salvation.
We, adults are invited to live the qualities of the children without fear. To understand the world of the children is to journey with them with hope. Those angels continue to give life to their parents who are working and who are still looking for jobs. In the faces of the angels, there lies the hope that reflects to the world. Those angels had become a part of my life, of my vocation, and my mission. My Scalabrinian mission is beyond my culture, my language, my mentality, and my world. My rich experience with the children of the migrants continue to challenge me as I continue to encounter Christ with the migrants and refugees.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Ciao Kabayan!
ni Jocelyn Ruiz
Maraming mga Pilipino ang naghangad at pinalad na mangibang-bayan. Iba’t-ibang dahilan, layunin, pananaw at mithiin sa buhay upang matugunan ang pangangailangan. Iba-iba din ang naging paraan upang mangibang-bansa at ito ay maaaring “direct hired”, petition, tourist, invitation, jumpshot sa barko, agency, scholarship o pag-aaral, pilgrimage, at meron ding tinatawag na “baklas” o kaya naman ay mga illegal na sinuwerte na makapunta sa bansa na nais nilang marating.
Sabi nga nila walang madali sa mundo at halos lahat ng bagay ay paghihirapan mo muna bago mo makuha o maabot. Ang pagtatatrabaho sa abroad ay puno ng pakikipagsapalaran. Dito sa Roma, kung bibigyan ng pansin at susuriin maraming problema ang kinakaharap at hinarap ng mga migranteng pilipino. Isa sa mga kauna-unahang ng problema hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay ang linggwahe o salitang Italyano. Mas mahirap ito kaysa sa salitang ingles katulad ng mga nasabi ng mga kabataang pilipino na nag-aaral dito sa italya, ang mga pagbikas nito ay kinakailangan ng masusing pag-aaral.
May iba’t-ibang karanasan at hirap ang dinanas ng ating mga kababayang Pilipino ng dahil lamang sa linggwahe o salitang Italyano. Hindi ka makakapagtrabaho ng maayos kung hindi ka marunong ng kanilang salita o kahit kaunting salita nila. Kung ikaw naman ay mabibigyan ng pagkakataon na makapagtrabaho pero wala kang alam sa kanilang salita ikaw ay magiging bulag na nangangapa sa dilim o isang pipi na hindi kayang maibuka ang bibig sapagkat hindi ganun kadali na intindihin ang kanilang salita. Kung ikaw naman ay nakatapos ng pag-aaral sa Pilipinas, hindi rin ganoon kadali na magamit mo ang iyong pinag-aralan sa abroad kung hindi mo kayang makapagsalita ng kanilang salita.
Maraming mga Pilipino ang umiyak sa ganitong dahilan at maaaring hanggang ngayon ay hindi nila matanggap ang kanilang nadatnan at nararanasan. Marami ang nakaranas na minumura na pala sila ay hindi pa nila alam, merong sinasabihan na sila ay papatayin na ay nakangiti pa rin o sasagot pa ng “Si” o Oo. Meron din namang mga nakaranas na inuutusan sila pero nagkamali ng nakuha o nabili dahil sa mali ang kanilang pagkaunawa. Kung minsan aakalain mo na galit ang mga italyano pero hindi pala. Malaki kasi ang pagkakaiba ng mga italyano sa mga Pilipino.
May mga karanasan din na minumura o pinagagalitan ang isang pilipina pero hindi maipagtanggol ang kanyang sarili dahil sa hindi makapagsalita kung papaano maipapalawanag ang kanyang nais sabihin kaya mananahimik na lang, tinatanggap ang mga masasakit na salita kahit nasasaktan o kaya naman ay pupunta sa isang sulok para pahirin ang luhang tumutulo o kaya naman iisipin ang mga mahal sa buhay na naiwan sa Pilipinas.
Tayong mga Pilipino kasi kayang tiisin ang lahat para lamang sa mga minamahal, iyon nga lang hindi naman nila alam ang hirap na ating nararanasan. Ang pakikipagsapalaran ay hindi madali sapagkat nangangailangan ito ng tatag at tibay ng loob. Ang pagsasalita ng isang wika ay mahalaga sapagkat ito ang daan upang magkaunawaan at makapagpahayag kung anu ang nais nating sabihin at iparating. Tulad ng pangingibang-bayan ito ay isang pakikipag-ugnayan ng sarili, isip at puso.
Maraming mga Pilipino ang naghangad at pinalad na mangibang-bayan. Iba’t-ibang dahilan, layunin, pananaw at mithiin sa buhay upang matugunan ang pangangailangan. Iba-iba din ang naging paraan upang mangibang-bansa at ito ay maaaring “direct hired”, petition, tourist, invitation, jumpshot sa barko, agency, scholarship o pag-aaral, pilgrimage, at meron ding tinatawag na “baklas” o kaya naman ay mga illegal na sinuwerte na makapunta sa bansa na nais nilang marating.
Sabi nga nila walang madali sa mundo at halos lahat ng bagay ay paghihirapan mo muna bago mo makuha o maabot. Ang pagtatatrabaho sa abroad ay puno ng pakikipagsapalaran. Dito sa Roma, kung bibigyan ng pansin at susuriin maraming problema ang kinakaharap at hinarap ng mga migranteng pilipino. Isa sa mga kauna-unahang ng problema hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay ang linggwahe o salitang Italyano. Mas mahirap ito kaysa sa salitang ingles katulad ng mga nasabi ng mga kabataang pilipino na nag-aaral dito sa italya, ang mga pagbikas nito ay kinakailangan ng masusing pag-aaral.
May iba’t-ibang karanasan at hirap ang dinanas ng ating mga kababayang Pilipino ng dahil lamang sa linggwahe o salitang Italyano. Hindi ka makakapagtrabaho ng maayos kung hindi ka marunong ng kanilang salita o kahit kaunting salita nila. Kung ikaw naman ay mabibigyan ng pagkakataon na makapagtrabaho pero wala kang alam sa kanilang salita ikaw ay magiging bulag na nangangapa sa dilim o isang pipi na hindi kayang maibuka ang bibig sapagkat hindi ganun kadali na intindihin ang kanilang salita. Kung ikaw naman ay nakatapos ng pag-aaral sa Pilipinas, hindi rin ganoon kadali na magamit mo ang iyong pinag-aralan sa abroad kung hindi mo kayang makapagsalita ng kanilang salita.
Maraming mga Pilipino ang umiyak sa ganitong dahilan at maaaring hanggang ngayon ay hindi nila matanggap ang kanilang nadatnan at nararanasan. Marami ang nakaranas na minumura na pala sila ay hindi pa nila alam, merong sinasabihan na sila ay papatayin na ay nakangiti pa rin o sasagot pa ng “Si” o Oo. Meron din namang mga nakaranas na inuutusan sila pero nagkamali ng nakuha o nabili dahil sa mali ang kanilang pagkaunawa. Kung minsan aakalain mo na galit ang mga italyano pero hindi pala. Malaki kasi ang pagkakaiba ng mga italyano sa mga Pilipino.
May mga karanasan din na minumura o pinagagalitan ang isang pilipina pero hindi maipagtanggol ang kanyang sarili dahil sa hindi makapagsalita kung papaano maipapalawanag ang kanyang nais sabihin kaya mananahimik na lang, tinatanggap ang mga masasakit na salita kahit nasasaktan o kaya naman ay pupunta sa isang sulok para pahirin ang luhang tumutulo o kaya naman iisipin ang mga mahal sa buhay na naiwan sa Pilipinas.
Tayong mga Pilipino kasi kayang tiisin ang lahat para lamang sa mga minamahal, iyon nga lang hindi naman nila alam ang hirap na ating nararanasan. Ang pakikipagsapalaran ay hindi madali sapagkat nangangailangan ito ng tatag at tibay ng loob. Ang pagsasalita ng isang wika ay mahalaga sapagkat ito ang daan upang magkaunawaan at makapagpahayag kung anu ang nais nating sabihin at iparating. Tulad ng pangingibang-bayan ito ay isang pakikipag-ugnayan ng sarili, isip at puso.
Sa Paglisan ng Santo Papa
ni Jocelyn Ruiz
Isang napakakontrobersyal na isyu ang pinagdadalamhati ng halos lahat ng tao sa mundo at ito ay ang pagkamatay ng ating butihing Santo Papa na si John Paul II noong Sabado, ika-2 ng Abril 2005 ganap na alas 9:37 ng gabi. Walang tigil ang pagdadarasal ng rosaryo at panalangin ng milyong-milyong mga tao dito sa daigdig. Marami din ang nag-alay ng misa para sa paglisan ng ating Santo Papa.
Hindi rin nagpaawat ang media (dyaryo, telebisyon at radyo) sapagkat halos minu-minuto o oras-oras ay kinukuha nila ang mga detalye o inpormasyon ukol sa kaganapan ng pangyayari. Ganun din hindi nagpapigil ang mga website sa paglalathala sa internet ng kung anu-anu tulad noong hindi pa namamatay ang Santo Papa ay nakahanda ang mga balita sa kanyang kamatayan. Marami ang lumuha, nagdalamhati, nanghinayang, at umiyak sa kanyang pagkawala. Marami din ang binigyan ng pagkakataon na makapagsalita kung anu ang nagawa sa kanila ng Santo Papa at sila ay may sari-sarili ring istorya na nakakaantig ng puso.
Bago umano namatay ang Santo Papa noong ika-1 ng Abril 2005, Biyernes, siya daw ay nakapagsulat pa ganito: “Masaya daw ako at nakahanda na ihabilin ang aking buhay sa Mahal na Birheng si Maria”. Kung susuruin ang pananalitang ito kapuna-puna na siya ay nagbitiw ng salitang may kasiguraduhan sa kanyang sarili na nagpapatunay lamang na siya ay handa ng mamatay, pumunta sa pangalawang buhay at lalo’t higit ang humarap sa Diyos. Kung atin ding pagbubulay-bulayan siya ay maihahalintulad kay Hesukristo dahil ipinakita sa kanyang sinulat na nabanggit pa niya ang Mahal na Birheng Maria na itinuring niya ding ina na tulad ng Bugtong na Anak ng Diyos.
Kung ating ding babalikan ang lahat ng mga Santo Papa na nanungkulan ang Santo Papa na si John Paul II ang may pinakamatagal dahil dalawanpu’t-anim(26) na taon na panunungkulan sa Diyos, sa tao, sa bayan, sa kabataan at sa simbahan. Naging pantay-pantay ang kanyang pagtingin sa lahat ng lahi sa mundo kahit saanman at anu pa man ang pinagmulan. Marami ang kanyang tinulungan at binuksan ang isipan upang magkaroon ng buhay patungo sa liwanag at pag-asa.
Sa atin namang mga Pilipino, malaki ang kanyang pagmamahal. Isang patunay ang pagbibigay niya ng simbahan sa atin, ang Basilica Sta. Pudenziana o tinawag na Sentro Pilipino dito sa Roma. Ganun din ang simbahan ng iba’t-ibang Filipino communities. Katulad din ng interview sa ating Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See na si Leonida Vera na nabigyan ng pagkakataon na makausap ang Santo Papa sa loob ng talumpung(30) minuto. Isa pa ring patunay ay ang minsan niyang pagbisita sa bansang Pilipinas sa panahon ni Marcos.
Ganun din ang pagkilala niya sa mga Pilipino sa dahilan na nalalaman niya kung ikaw ay Pilipino katulad ng mga Pilipino na nabigyan ng pagkakataon na makahalik sa kamay ng Santo Papa at makita siya ng personal at halos pare-pareho ang kanilang naranasan:isang mainit na pagtanggap. Ganun din tatanungin ka pa niya ng ganito: Filippine? At pagsumagot ka ng “Si” ay magsasabi siya ng “Mabuhay” o di ba isang karangalan para sa atin?
Masarap balikan ang nakaraan at ilan lamang ito sa mga bagay at panahon na lumipas kung saan nakasama natin ang Santo Papa. Nakakalungkot na siya ay sumakabilang buhay na subalit ang mga ala-ala niya ay mananatiling buhay sa ating puso at isipan. Sa ngayon mas dapat tayong magpasalamat at binigyan tayo ng pagkakataon na magkaroon ng Santo Papa na tulad niya at patuloy nating ipagdasal ang kanyang kaluluwa at hilingin sa Diyos na magkaroon tayo ng Santo Papa uli na tulad niya upang mas lumago at umunlad ang buhay pisikal at ispirituwal.
Isang napakakontrobersyal na isyu ang pinagdadalamhati ng halos lahat ng tao sa mundo at ito ay ang pagkamatay ng ating butihing Santo Papa na si John Paul II noong Sabado, ika-2 ng Abril 2005 ganap na alas 9:37 ng gabi. Walang tigil ang pagdadarasal ng rosaryo at panalangin ng milyong-milyong mga tao dito sa daigdig. Marami din ang nag-alay ng misa para sa paglisan ng ating Santo Papa.
Hindi rin nagpaawat ang media (dyaryo, telebisyon at radyo) sapagkat halos minu-minuto o oras-oras ay kinukuha nila ang mga detalye o inpormasyon ukol sa kaganapan ng pangyayari. Ganun din hindi nagpapigil ang mga website sa paglalathala sa internet ng kung anu-anu tulad noong hindi pa namamatay ang Santo Papa ay nakahanda ang mga balita sa kanyang kamatayan. Marami ang lumuha, nagdalamhati, nanghinayang, at umiyak sa kanyang pagkawala. Marami din ang binigyan ng pagkakataon na makapagsalita kung anu ang nagawa sa kanila ng Santo Papa at sila ay may sari-sarili ring istorya na nakakaantig ng puso.
Bago umano namatay ang Santo Papa noong ika-1 ng Abril 2005, Biyernes, siya daw ay nakapagsulat pa ganito: “Masaya daw ako at nakahanda na ihabilin ang aking buhay sa Mahal na Birheng si Maria”. Kung susuruin ang pananalitang ito kapuna-puna na siya ay nagbitiw ng salitang may kasiguraduhan sa kanyang sarili na nagpapatunay lamang na siya ay handa ng mamatay, pumunta sa pangalawang buhay at lalo’t higit ang humarap sa Diyos. Kung atin ding pagbubulay-bulayan siya ay maihahalintulad kay Hesukristo dahil ipinakita sa kanyang sinulat na nabanggit pa niya ang Mahal na Birheng Maria na itinuring niya ding ina na tulad ng Bugtong na Anak ng Diyos.
Kung ating ding babalikan ang lahat ng mga Santo Papa na nanungkulan ang Santo Papa na si John Paul II ang may pinakamatagal dahil dalawanpu’t-anim(26) na taon na panunungkulan sa Diyos, sa tao, sa bayan, sa kabataan at sa simbahan. Naging pantay-pantay ang kanyang pagtingin sa lahat ng lahi sa mundo kahit saanman at anu pa man ang pinagmulan. Marami ang kanyang tinulungan at binuksan ang isipan upang magkaroon ng buhay patungo sa liwanag at pag-asa.
Sa atin namang mga Pilipino, malaki ang kanyang pagmamahal. Isang patunay ang pagbibigay niya ng simbahan sa atin, ang Basilica Sta. Pudenziana o tinawag na Sentro Pilipino dito sa Roma. Ganun din ang simbahan ng iba’t-ibang Filipino communities. Katulad din ng interview sa ating Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See na si Leonida Vera na nabigyan ng pagkakataon na makausap ang Santo Papa sa loob ng talumpung(30) minuto. Isa pa ring patunay ay ang minsan niyang pagbisita sa bansang Pilipinas sa panahon ni Marcos.
Ganun din ang pagkilala niya sa mga Pilipino sa dahilan na nalalaman niya kung ikaw ay Pilipino katulad ng mga Pilipino na nabigyan ng pagkakataon na makahalik sa kamay ng Santo Papa at makita siya ng personal at halos pare-pareho ang kanilang naranasan:isang mainit na pagtanggap. Ganun din tatanungin ka pa niya ng ganito: Filippine? At pagsumagot ka ng “Si” ay magsasabi siya ng “Mabuhay” o di ba isang karangalan para sa atin?
Masarap balikan ang nakaraan at ilan lamang ito sa mga bagay at panahon na lumipas kung saan nakasama natin ang Santo Papa. Nakakalungkot na siya ay sumakabilang buhay na subalit ang mga ala-ala niya ay mananatiling buhay sa ating puso at isipan. Sa ngayon mas dapat tayong magpasalamat at binigyan tayo ng pagkakataon na magkaroon ng Santo Papa na tulad niya at patuloy nating ipagdasal ang kanyang kaluluwa at hilingin sa Diyos na magkaroon tayo ng Santo Papa uli na tulad niya upang mas lumago at umunlad ang buhay pisikal at ispirituwal.
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