by Jocelyn Ruiz
All Philippine Embassies in different parts of the world and a lot of filipino people are busy for the preparation of the incoming event of the Philippine Independence Day. This is a commemoration and celebration of establishment of soverign of rights, freedom and liberty. It will celebrate the 108 years of social freedom of its origin done and gained by different filipino heroes in the historical event in the Philippines. This event became traditional, cultural and historical for all the Filipinos. That's why we, Filipinos, never forgets to join and celebrates this annual event because we value this event, we treasure the historical record, we believe that we obtained this freedom of ours and we gained the tremendous insights of being free of who we are.
If I were to ask you, what is freedom or Independence Day? I'm sure all of you have different meanings about it. All of you have a lot of definitions and symbols about it.
Freedom has a widest, deepest and biggest responsibilities and meaning to us. It's not about being free for everything but it is about responsibilities, duties, convictions and opportunities to stand of who we are or what we are. Freedom for me, is the best sword and armour of living. It is the easiest and hardest thing in the world. Why? It is simply because freedom is a decision between us. Freedom comes from us to do and not to do. Yes! Freedom is a law, it is our human rights, and it is in our hands.
It should not only the historical records that evoked with us but it should be the RIGHT things that corresponds to our RIGHTS and responsibilities as a person, a politician, a leader, a worker, a citizen, a government official, or as who you are reading this newspaper.
Do you think you are free? Do you think your using your freedom? Do you feel the essence of Independence Day? Or you just want to participate in this event without practicing to yourself the true meaning of it. Freedom is not abusing the powers, it is not corruption, it is not hurting the others, it's not Pride. If you have selfishness in your heart it's not freedom. It is a sin! Look and observe all those people who are in hunger, in crisis, in poverty. Are they using their freedom to live in order to live, to eat the foods that they must have, crisis in economy because of abusing powers and leadership, poverty because of pride, selfishness and money as a root of evil. Freedom is not only for ourselves it should be for all.
Let's go back into the history so that we could really appreciate the meaning of freedom for us. Who will forget the young hero of Tirad Pass Gregorio del Pilar who helped Aguinaldo. Who will forget Andres Bonificio who fought and organized the KKK? What about Jose Rizal who became the National Heroes because of his intelligent, courage and love for country? It is just a bit of different heroes we have because we have a lot of different heroes who died to save the Philippines. All heroes do their heroism by themselves but they've done thier best through also the help of the others. They fought not only for themselves but for all filipinos living in our country, for the Philippines, itself. No man is an island that's the word! That's why because of unity, love, goals, dreams, determination, decision and courage we gained this freedom. It was gained by one person but a lot of persons that's why freedom or independence should be and must be a responsibilities to gained the said characters.
In our living today, we have to remember that in everything we do, we choose, we have to use and practice our freedom of choice. We have to remember that in everything we did everyone must be affected either it is good or bad. What I am empahsizing now is that our freedom is within ourselves and it's not just about the celebration. The freedom is a commitment intervene between one's lives for a better and change.